Entry fee £4 for individual competitions and £8 per pair for pairs competitions.
Please note the prerequisite “three games” under Rule 17h has been waived for bowlers wishing to enter the Pairs and Over ‘70s competitions due to these starting early in the season. The “three games” requirement remains for all other singles and pairs competitions. Before you enter any competition, please refer to the eligibility criteria which you will find in the hvba Bye-laws.
Also see guidelines below for indicative handicaps and please note these are subject to review and your final handicap will be confirmed following receipt of your entry. Any additional clubs where you, or your pairs partner, have membership must be noted in order that handicap adjustment for home advantage can be applied if necessary.
Bowlers in pairs competitions must both be members of the club under which they are entering.
Entry fees can be paid on the day, however entries must be placed in advance. No one will be allowed to turn up on the day and enter.
Please do not enter a competition and fail to turn up. This is both discourteous and frustrating to the organisers and fellow competitors. If you are forced to withdraw from a competition please ensure you notify the Competition or League Secretary at least 48hrs before the day of play. Failing this your entry fee will remain payable and you may not be accepted for entry into further competitions.
The handicap ranges below are indicative and the exact handicap allocated to a bowler will be influenced by their 2024 season averages and the division they played most in. While it will typically fall into the ranges shown below there may be exceptions for bowlers of very high ability relative to the division they play in. For example a bowler of particularly high ability in 10-man Div 3 may be allocated a handicap less than 4. In all cases the decision of the Competition Secretary will be final.
Indicative handicap ranges:
10-man Div1 between 0 and 3
10-man Div2 between 3 and 6
10-man Div3 between 4 and 7
10-man Div4 between 5 and 8
10-man Div5 between 6 and 9
For bowlers playing exclusively in the 6-man League
6-man Div1 between 5 and 7
6-man Div2 between 6 and 8
6-man Div3 between 7 and 9
Bowlers playing the majority of their games in the Huddersfield Subscription/Drayton leagues should have handicaps no higher than 3.
Note: for Pairs competition – both bowlers individual handicaps will be added together and divided by 2, with the result, if not a whole number, then rounded up.
As an alternative to online entry you can enter by post. Please click here > hvba 2025 Competition Entry Form for a form you can print and return together with you entry fee.
Complete your online entry below:
Please include the handicap range you fall in (e.g 0-3, 3-5, 4-6 etc.). Your final handicap will be confirmed following receipt of your entry.