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Competitions News and Entry Forms

Deatails of competition draws are available on Bowlsnet. Follow adjacent links to either 10 or 6-man leagues and then select ‘Competition News’.


How do I access Bowlsnet?

The quickest way is to use the links in the menu item Bowlsnet at the top of every page on this website. These will take you directly to the home page of the 6-man, 10-man or competition leagues.

Do I need a password to access Bowlsnet?

No you don’t. There is completely open access to view any of the Results, Fixtures, Tables, Player Averages. You only need a Username and Password to input match results.

Can I look at results, averages and league tables for previous seasons?

Yes you can. We have records going back to 2014 online. In the bottom right hand corner you will see a ‘LIVE’ button. Click on that and select the season you wish to view. Click on it again and select ‘LIVE’ to return to the current season.

I play in four leagues who all use Bowlsnet is there a quick way to gain access to them all?

Yes there is. Go to and click on ‘My Bowlsnet’ and from there you can select each of the leagues you want to follow. Add that page to your favourites and then they will all be waiting for you each time you access that favourites link. This will also provide you with a complete record of every match you have played this season providing season-long totals.

Can I use Bowlsnet on my smartphone and tablet?

Yes you can. Use your smartphone or tablet browser, connect to  Bowlsnet as normal as the site is now even more mobile friendly. You can also set up ‘My Bowlsnet’ as per the instructions in FAQ 4.

Can I view Singles and Pairs results and averages separately and Combined?

Yes you can. All singles, Pairs and Combined averages are available from within the ‘Averages’ menu button. So select AVERAGES from the top left menu. If you are just wanting averages for one team then select TEAM from top right menu and then select the team name. Go to the right hand menu in the top line and select ALL for combined totals. Select the single button or pairs button as you require.

What does the orange shading on match results signify?

This indicates that this team has still to VERIFY that match result. That is the equivalent of signing the Result Card to confirm the result. The result is still posted but this verifying tidies up the administration of that match.

How can a bowler's record show Played 20 Won 9 Lost 10? It doesn't add up.

Where a bowler has been gifted a match 21-0 by a Walk-Over that bowler gets credited with playing the match but does not get credited with a 21-0 scoreline to boost their average. Hence the difference in that total. If you look back over that bowler’s results for the season you will find that they had a Walk-Over match at some point.

Can I make the text bigger on Bowlsnet?

Yes you can. Use the + and – buttons on the top right hand menu.

Bowlsnet FAQ for Results Inputting

Do I need to enter results using BowlsNet?

Results are entered via BowlsNet, either by captains or the League Secretary. If you do not have access to the internet to enter the results please ask your club representative or a colleague to do it for you.

So Captains must have Internet Access now?

Again absolutely not. A captain with no internet access can post the results to the league secretary in the traditional manner or assign the task of entering the result on bowlsnet to another member of their team to do it on their behalf.

But the Fixture Secretary doesn't get to see the signed Match sheet?

Pressing the Confirm this is a true and accurate record button is the electronic version of the Captain’s signature, and both Captains must verify the result is correct.

What if a Captain goes to enter a result but can't find a player in the drop-down lists.

A player will only be listed if they have been registered and are marked as eligible for the relevant team. You must contact the League Secretary to add new bowler registrations. He will ask you for the player names and BCGBA number and date of birth. You can still submit that result by entering the player as {A.N.Other} and then contact your League Secretary, who may choose to add the player or decide that the player is not eligible and a walk-over needs entering instead.

What if a Captain goes to Verify a result but finds it to be inaccurate.

Only the League Secretary can change a result once it has been entered and verified. Contact him with the details.

Are paper copies still required?

Only for your records. Many clubs still use the old Result Cards for this purpose and these are still available free of charge from the League Secretary.

Are there security concerns with regard to captains or clubs tampering with results?

No. The Verification Process ensures that Captains only enter results they are absolutely happy with. Once verified, results cannot be changed or edited (apart from by the League Secretary). Results that have not been verified will always remain highlighted in Orange so they cannot be missed.