Useful Links

In this section we plan to provide our visitors with links to organisations involved in the management of the game of bowls and also websites of general interest to bowlers. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you can recommend other websites that would benefit our bowlers.

Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association


The next tier of administration after the local leagues. You will find dates and venues for county level competitions. All leagues in our area are affiliated to Yorkshire County CGBA. Any open competition has to be sanctioned at this level.

The Yorkshire County CGBA organise county competitions for juniors, open age and veterans for both males and females, and also club county cup competitions.

The county sides are also organised at this level.

Go to for more information

British Crown Green Bowling Association

The national governing body for our sport. All regional bodies such as Yorkshire County CGBA are affiliated to the British CGBA. You will find information on Safeguarding, Laws of the game and Dress Code. Dates and venues for national competitions are published on this site. Videos of competitions can be viewed and you will also find links to other county associations.

The governing body has been instrumental in liaising with the government and Sport England on covid-related matters and cascading information to club level.

The BCGBA have recently re-joined the Bowls Development Alliance

Go to for further information.

Bowls Development Alliance


The Bowls Development Alliance (BDA) is a group of national bodies all representing various strands of bowling. The objective of the alliance is to encourage more people to participate in our sport. This is an interesting development for our sport and has the full support of our association. Another objective of the BDA is to is to lobby Sport England to have greater access to central government finance.


Bowls Central is a comprehensive resource for greenkeepers seeking practical, effective advice. Resources range from detailed articles and ebooks, to training and consulting services.

Go to for more information