1 The name of the Association shall be ‘Huddersfield Veterans Bowling Association’.
2 The objectives of the Association shall be to organise team and individual competitions for clubs in membership.
3 The Association will encourage and offer help and guidance to member clubs to increase bowling membership and participation in the leagues and competitions.
4 The annual subscription shall be decided at the October meeting of the Council each year and payable not later than the AGM in February the following year. In addition to the annual subscription each club shall purchase a minimum of 6 handbooks per team.
5 Any club in the Huddersfield and district shall be eligible for membership. Such club to be proposed and seconded by two member clubs and approved by the management committee before being admitted.
6 The Association shall be governed overall by decisions of General Meetings, which shall be attended by the following who shall constitute the Council, namely the President, Vice President, General Secretary, League Secretary, Competition Secretary, Treasurer, up to eight committee members and one representative from each club. Clubs not represented at Council shall be fined £10. Life members shall be considered ex-officio members so long as they take an active interest in the Association. Life members may be elected at a General meeting of the Association.
At all meetings of the Council, 50% of officials and members must be present to form a quorum and each member club shall have one vote.
At the AGM in February the Council shall appoint a President and Vice President from the current Management Committee who shall serve for two years. After two years, the Vice President shall become President and serve for two years. The council shall appoint General, League and Competition Secretaries, a Treasurer and up to eight committee members.
The aforesaid shall form the Management Committee for the ensuing twelve months.
The Council shall appoint an Independent Verifier to verify the Associations accounts who shall serve for one year.
7 Two ordinary General Meetings shall be held annually, one in October for the fixing of annual subscriptions and the consideration of Bye Laws, competition and match play rules and the other in February for the presentation of annual accounts, election of officers and other business. The Management Committee shall have the right to call a General Meeting at any time.
8 The General Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting, on receiving a requisition to that effect. Such requisition to state the purpose of the proposed meeting. signed by the representatives of not less than five clubs in membership or, by decision of the Management Committee. The meeting must be convened within 21 days of receipt of the written request. The subject of the meeting to be circulated to all clubs 14 days prior to the meeting.
9 The Management Committee shall meet at any time deemed necessary, for the purpose of the day-today management of the Association affairs. At all meetings of the Management Committee five members or life members must be present to form a quorum. At all meetings the President, or in his absence, the Vice President shall take the chair. In the absence of both the President and Vice President the General Secretary will start the meeting by holding a vote on who to chair the meeting.
10 All players in the Association shall be male and must be 60 years of age or over. If 60 years of age during the season, they may play from their 60th birthday.
11 Honoraria to be discussed annually at the February meeting and paid in February of the following year.
12 No existing Bye Law, Competition and Cup Rules shall be altered, rescinded or added to nor new rule accepted without the consent of at least two thirds of those present and entitled to vote and voting at the General Meeting in October.
13 Suggested rule changes, proposed and seconded in writing from two club’s representatives, must be delivered to the General Secretary 42 clear days before the October meeting. Rule changes may also be recommended by the Management Committee. All proposals will be circulated to all clubs. Any amendments to the proposed rule changes to be with the General Secretary 28 clear days before the October meeting. These proposals to be circulated to all clubs in membership, 14 clear days before the October meeting for consideration by the Council.
14 Fines not paid within 28 days shall be doubled
Match Play and Competition Rules
All competitions and matches shall be governed by the BCGBA laws of the game. The Management Committee shall deal with any matter or dispute which may arise and shall have the power to impose a fine and/or suspend any club or member transgressing the rules or Bye-Laws and/or bringing the game or the Association into disrepute. The decision of the Management Committee is final.
Match Play
1 The Leagues
There shall be a league playing on Mondays (or Fridays if mutually agreed) for teams of 6 men playing 4 singles and 1 pairs game.
There shall be a league playing on Tuesdays for teams of 10 men playing 4 singles and 3 pairs games.
The Leagues to consist of the number of Divisions determined by the Management Committee, in normal circumstances the top two teams in each division at the end of the season shall be promoted into the next higher division and the bottom two teams shall be relegated into the next lower division. In the event of a points tie the season’s ‘Aggregate For’ scores will determine the outcome. In the event of the teams still being level then the ‘Aggregate Difference’ (i.e. ‘Aggregate For’ minus ‘Aggregate Against’ will determine the positions).
2 Registrations
2a) Clubs must register the teams being entered in the Leagues on or before the second Monday in January. A management committee meeting will then be held on the third Monday in January to determine the composition of the Leagues.
2b) ALL CHANGES to player registrations held by the League Secretary and new registrations must be notified with name, date of birth and BCGBA membership number by the end of March each year. Clubs wishing to add new players after the start of the season may add the name, date of birth and BCGBA number on Bowlsnet. Clubs not providing ALL the relevant data may be fined £10 at the discretion of the Management Committee. Any player wishing to transfer from one club to another after the start of the season will only be allowed with the written consent of the Management Committee.
2c) Players from Divisions 1 and 2 in the 10-man league cannot play in any clubs lower 10-man or 6-man teams if he has played 75% of that clubs 10-man league games in the current season. This applies to both league and knock-out competition matches. Any infringement will result in that player losing 21-0.
2d) No player can play twice on the same day. Any infringement of this rule will result in a loss of 21-0 in both games involving that player.
3 Playing of matches.
- a) All League and Competition matches to start at 1:30pm and to be played on the day shown in the printed schedule, even if less than ten men are available, unless agreed beforehand, with opposing captain and for a genuine and acceptable reason. The principal acceptable reason is the state of the green and in these circumstances the opposing captain must be contacted no later than 12 noon on the day of the match. It is not an acceptable reason that any players holidays intervene or that certain players are not available, i.e. reserves must be played. In the case of less than ten men playing, 21 points shall be forfeited for each game. Matches can only be re-arranged if the green is unplayable or bad weather prevails or clashing with senior matches or the funeral of a Club member and with the agreement of both captains as aforementioned or with the prior agreement of the League Secretary. Where a match has to be re-arranged the date must be agreed within 7 days of the original date and the match must be played within 28 days of the original date. In any event the League Secretary must be informed. In re-arranged matches players having played in other teams on the original date, cannot play in the rearranged game. In the case of a dispute, the matter is to be referred to the committee whose decision will be final. Failure to play the game within 28 days of the original date shall result in a £10 fine to both clubs. Any club failing to turn up without giving notice to the League or Competition Secretaries and opponents shall be liable to a £20 fine and forfeiture of the match.
(b) Any player selected for the inter-district competition, or to represent Yorkshire CCGBA, which is on the same day as a league fixture or any knock-out competition fixture, may call upon the opposing club to furnish an opponent to play the selected player(s), during the week prior to the day of the match. Failure to provide an opponent will result in forfeiture of the game(s).
(c) Any team playing an ineligible bowler in a League match shall lose that game 0-21. Clubs and players transgressing this rule may be fined as determined by the Management Committee.
4 Matches shall consist of three pairs and four singles (played in any combination), the home team captain having preference. All pairs matches shall consist of two bowlers per team.
5 Scoring shall be one point per win, two points for the highest aggregate score. In the event of aggregate score being equal, one point each team.
6 Standard jacks with a valid date stamp to be used, the visitors to throw the first jack in each game.
7 All players must be available when due to play, if not available the game will be forfeited and awarded 21-0 to the opponent.
8 A fully completed league result should be input online on by the home team by no later than midnight the day after the match.
A fully completed competition result should be input online on by the winning team no later than midnight the day after the match or by such time as the Competition Secretary requests.
The online submissions should be verified by the opposing teams no later than midnight two days following the match.
Failure to comply to submit the results as per this rule will result in a £10 fine for each infringement.
Knock-Out Competitions
(a) Applies to teams, pairs and individual competitions.
(b) No player (excluding host players) will be allowed to practice on the selected green from the date that the neutral venue is announced prior to any knock-out competition being played except when playing in a scheduled match/competition. Host players will not be allowed to practice on the day of the final.
(c) Existing teams and individuals will be reviewed and handicapped on entering by the Management Committee’s competitions sub-committee. Where any new team or individual are accepted into the Association, the team or individual handicap may be capped at the discretion of the Management Committee.
Individual Handicapping Guidelines
All competition entry forms require handicaps to be entered and clubs/captains should ensure forms are completed correctly.
Inter District players scratch
Ex-Inter District after one year 1, revert to normal.
10-man Division 1 – 2.
10-man Division 2 – 3.
10-man Division 3 – 4.
10-man Division 4 – 5.
10-man Division 5 – 6.
Six-man Division 1 – 6.
Six-man Division 2 – 7.
Six-man Division 3 – 8.
Pairs competition – use both individual handicaps and divide by 2, if result not a whole number then round up. Players playing the majority of their games in the Huddersfield Subscription/Drayton leagues should have handicaps no higher than 3.
All clubs have players of varying abilities, this should be reflected in handicaps given.
Any handicapping anomalies reported to the Management Committee will be discussed and adjusted as appropriate, clubs will be notified of any changes.
(d) Each team to be responsible for providing two mats and two approved standard jacks with a valid date stamp.
(e) All games to be played on neutral greens. All clubs in membership shall allow the association to use their greens for competitions throughout the season. The host venue must make available toilet facilities, clubs failing to do so will be fined £10 at the discretion of the management committee. Light refreshments would be appreciated.
Pre-drawn competition draw sheets will be issued to the host venues in a sealed envelope. A list of bowlers who have been allocated to a venue will also be published on Host venue members shall be responsible for undertaking the competition in accordance with the draw sheet and scratching guidelines detailed in the draw sheet.
Any club wishing to withdraw its green for a scheduled event may do so, by giving notice to the competition secretary no later than the closing date for all competitions.
Any club withdrawing their A team or receiving a bye from a competition will not be allowed to play their A team bowlers in their lower 10-man and 6-man teams in that competition if they have played more than 25% of A team league games at that point in the season.
(f) Dual membership. Any bowler whose team is drawn to play on the green of which he is also a member, will not be barred from playing.
(g) In the event of aggregate scores being equal, the winning team shall be the team with most wins.
(h) In team knockout competitions A team players in the initial round(s) cannot play for a B or C team in subsequent rounds. B or C team players may play in a higher team in subsequent rounds and are allowed to revert to a lower team subsequently.
(i) In any merit or handicap competition any player having a walkover or bye and being required to meet an opponent in the next round who has already played on that green in the preceding round shall be entitled to practice for not exceeding 10 minutes on completion of his opponents game.
(j) Any team playing an ineligible bowler in a Knock-Out match shall be expelled from that competition for that season. Clubs and players transgressing this rule may be fined as determined by the Management Committee.
(a) This shall consist of 5 pairs.
(b) Team captains to toss a coin before play commences, winning team has odd jacks.
Team Knock-Out and Subsidiary Team Knock-Out
(a) These shall consist of four singles and three pairs.(b) The team captains will toss a coin at the start of the match and the winning captain will have the choice of either odd jacks or order of play (singles or pairs first or any combination).
(c) Team Knockout. Any player(s) having played in the current seasons Team Knockout cannot play in any team allocated to the Sub-Team Knockout in the current season. Any other possible player exclusion(s) to this rule must be referred to the Competition Secretary for a final decision.
(d) Sub-Team Knockout. Players will be allowed to move up to play in their clubs Team Knockout if required and move back down to the Sub-Team Knockout team if or when appropriate.
(e) The Team Knockout will be competed for by the top 32 teams at the start of the season based on the previous seasons league tables. The Sub-Team knockout will be competed for by teams below the top 32. In the event of an odd number of teams the draw will be at the discretion of the Management Committee.
Julie Fuller Trophy for 6-Man Teams
(a) This shall consist of three pairs.
(b) Teams to consist of six players who must qualify by having played 50% of league games played prior to the start of any round of that year’s competition or with the discretion of the Competition Secretary.
Other Knock-Out Handicapped Competitions
- Any player or players not turning up on intermediate or finals day without an acceptable reason, will be barred from entering the competition in which they defaulted for the following season and any prize money will be forfeited.
- Whatever the weather all entrants for each qualifying round(s) must report to the host organiser prior to the start time. Scratching will be when called, once scratched no re – entry will be allowed.
- Final Competition Venues: Individual or Pairs finalists playing on a veteran’s ‘Home Club’ green will have their current handicap(s) adjusted as follows – minus 2 in the first match and minus 1 in the second.
- a) Rose Bowl, singles.
- b) Lower Divisions cup, singles. For division 3,4,5, and 6 Man-team bowlers. (No player who has played any games in the 10-man division 1 and 2 will be allowed to enter).
- c) Over 70, singles.
- d) Pairs, both players must be from the same club.
- e) Over 80, singles.
- f) Over-70s Pairs, both players must be from the same club.
- To enter the individual or pairs competitions all entrants must have played three league games. Other people wishing to enter can do so at the discretion of the Management Committee. Entry fees may be paid in cash, cheque or by bank transfer before the draw.
- The following is the only permitted dress for all bowlers in competitions organised or run by the British Crown Green Bowling Association.
- (a) Shirts: Must be collared, with sleeves, and are to be worn for County representative games and finals days of all competitions. (b) County Associations to determine the style and design of their county shirt, which must conform to 2a and may include the County’s insignia, player’s name, Club insignia, sponsor’s insignia and/or manufacturer’s insignia.
- (a) Trousers: These shall be black or navy, single colour, full-length tailored trousers, tailored shorts (knee length), skirts (knee length), tailored cropped trousers and straight trousers. (b) Nothing in the above rule shall be interpreted to allow the wearing of tracksuits, shell suits, denim, combat trousers, jeggings or skinny jeans. External pockets on the legs are not permissible.
- Where necessary, and in accordance with the pertaining weather conditions, sweaters which conform to the above and/or wet weather gear may be worn (correct dress must be worn under wet gear).
- In team contests uniform clothing must be worn by team members.
- Where permitted practice on the day this will only be allowed to those conforming to this standard. Any player failing to conform to this standard will be prevented from playing (or continuing) in the competition and may be liable to forfeit any entry fee for, or prize money earned in, the competition.
- In the case of team contests any offending player must be substituted before the commencement of the game. However, if the player’s game has commenced, the player shall score nil and the opponent shall receive the maximum score.
- Nothing in this rule shall prevent exceptions from being made for individuals with a relevant disability.
• Crown Green Bowling is a sport suitable for the widest range of individuals – young and old, male and
female, able-bodied and disadvantaged.
• However, in order to maximise the benefits and opportunities available, then the BCGBA expect the
highest standards of conduct from all those involved – players, spectators and administrators.
• This document sets out the rights and expectations of the conduct of all essentially-involved parties.
• This conduct is expected at all times and sanctions are proposed for persistent non-compliance.
• All participants and spectators have the right to:
• Enjoy safe participation in the game
• Be treated as individuals at all times
• Express their views and be listened to
• Seek support to help them develop their skills and values
• Be treated with respect
• Enjoy an environment free of discrimination
• Participate free from the threat of abuse or insult
• Have the sport administered in a fit and proper manner
• Obtain guidance and support free from bias or favouritism
• All participants and spectators are expected to:
• Know the rules of the game
• Treat fellow participants with respect and courtesy
• Refrain from abusive or threatening behaviour
• Accept the decisions of officials without dissent
• Act in a sportsmanlike way at all times
• Treat the green and facilities with respect
• Players are the most important people in the sport
• Playing for the team and helping the team to win is a fundamental part of the game
• But fair play and respect for all others is equally fundamental
• At all times, when practicing, training or competing in leagues, competitions and events, participants
and competitors should:
• Follow the rules and procedures of their club and league and Association
• Adhere to BCGBA rules and bye laws
• Act in accordance with the rules of the competition or event
• Accept the decisions of officials of the event
• Act in a sportsmanlike way at all times
• Treat officials and other competitors with respect
• Avoid swearing, shouting or any form of abusive behaviour or harassment
• Refrain from abusive or threatening behaviour
• Respect the rights and dignity of other participants
• Keep to agreed timings or inform their Captain or the competition’s relevant person if they
are going to be late
• No drinks allowed on the green
• No Swearing on or around the green
• No intimidation harassment or abusive behaviour on or around the green
• No unauthorised persons allowed on the green
• Officials and administrators are an important part of the game. Their efforts can greatly enhance or
sometimes even diminish the enjoyment of the game
• It is essential that the authority of their position is recognised and accepted
• However, that authority must be used responsibly
• Officials should:
• Perform their duties in a fair and efficient manner free from bias or favouritism
• Know the rules and act as a confident source of advice and information
• Be open and transparent in all their decisions and be prepared to explain their reasons
• Accept fair and constructive criticism
• Perform their duties without consideration of self-importance
• Share their knowledge with others
• Expect to be treated with respect and not subjected to personal comments or verbal
• Members will expect officials to:
• Be knowledgeable, fair and honest
• Keep their promises
• Keep to agreed programmes and timings
• Supporters can make a significant contribution to an event. However, it must be accepted that players
must not be unduly influenced or prevented from playing their own game.
• All spectators should:
• Participate in a positive manner
• Avoid swearing and abusive behaviour
• Accept the instructions of match officials
• Keep off the playing surface
• Treat all participants equally
• Act in a sportsmanlike way at all times
• Parents should:
• Recognise the rights of their children to have fun
• Encourage long-term participation
• Support their child’s involvement in practicing and playing
• Be a good role model at clubs competitions and events and abide by safeguarding procedures at all
• Accept that errors are an important part of learning and not condemn children for making them
• Social media provides a forum for an exchange of views or constructive debate
• It can be an enjoyable experience and can make a difference by bringing people together, supporting
a mutual interest or cause
• However, it is not the appropriate setting for creating disputes or to discredit other users or organisations, or to lodge complaints or grievances
• It is certainly not the forum for anonymous slurs and insults
• The BCGBA would expect all users of social media to:
• Remember that all social media programmes are public forums
• By adding any comment or information, you must be aware that this will be visible to other
users and assumed to be true and relevant
• Remember that you are responsible for your contribution and any possible
consequences to your reputation and that of your subject
• If you have any doubts, it is better to refrain from making a contribution
• Treat other users with respect; use appropriate and correct language and act as though
you are in the presence of the other person
• Respect other users by
• Being courteous, honest and fair
• Treating all people how you would like to be treated
• Acting in ways that support the reputation of the sport
• Maintaining appropriate confidentiality with regard to personal matters
• Avoiding racist, homophobic, discriminatory harassment or threatening comments
• Avoiding behaviour which might reasonably be perceived as harassment, discrimination,
bullying or intimidation
• Be genuine – don’t hide behind aliases or nicknames
• Before you post a comment always ask yourself: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it relevant?
• Comply with relevant actions from the online safety bill when it becomes law
• This Code of Conduct should be seen as a guide to best practice to allow enjoyment of the sport by
all those involved. In addition, safeguarding processes and procedures are available on the Bowls Development Alliance Website for additional guidance
• However failures to comply will inevitably occur
• In these cases, it is essential that some value judgement is provided and disciplinary action is taken
• In repeat or extreme circumstances, sanctions will be considered
• Also, in all cases, the right of appeal should be available.
• For incidents at club, league or association level, should follow the BCGBA discipline Policy and
Guidance for disputes
• In all cases, accepted established procedures for the resolution of disputes should be followed (see BCGBA Handbook/Website)
© Huddersfield Veterans Bowling Association, January 2023. No part of this document can be copied in part or in full for publication.