05 Jun How we came close to no competitions in 2024
For the second year running we were facing a season without a Competition Secretary. In 2022 it was only possible to put on a full complement of competitions thanks to the generosity and hard work of Dave Sykes who took on the roles of both League and Competition Secretary – which proved exhausting and not something anyone should try again! The 2023 season was saved when Steve Lee stepped forward at the last minute. Steve did a great job however we always knew he was having to stretch himself a lot due to his other commitments, which included running international backgammon competitions, and so it was not a surprise that Steve was unable to carry on with the role for 2024.
With just days to go before the 2024 AGM no one had come forward to fill the role and it looked like there would be no competitions this year. Sharing the work across the remaining Committee members was considered, but running competitions is already a team job and no one truly had the capacity to take on more. Competitions often take place across multiple greens on the same day, there are competitor registrations and draws to manage, equipment to deliver, general oversight of the games/results, prize presentations and of course the raffles. Running these events on the day is very much all hands to the pumps. But even before anyone gets on a green there are schedules/calendars to organise , sponsors to bring onboard, entries and handicaps to check and double check, greens to select and reserve, umpires to arrange and more.
It was with great relief to everyone when Paul English got in touch on 24th January and offered his services. As well as an abundance of enthusiasm Paul brings with him a wealth of experience gained through his career in sports media working for Associated Press and the Rugby League Examiner amongst others. As well as his experience providing sports news and statistics he’s also a seasoned sports photographer, what more could we ask for!
At the time of writing the Pairs and the Over 70s Individual competitions have been run and five further competitions are in the pipeline. Full details of all competitions are on this website and entry could not be easier. Just complete the short online form and then turn up on the day, but do remember to bring your entry fee with you. As well as an opportunity to spend an afternoon bowling in good company you will come away with at least useful experience on an away green if not a passage into the finals.
Despite all the effort that goes into running and promoting our competitions there is an inescapable truth, competition entries are low, never having recovered fully after Covid. The Rosebowl for example has seen half the number of entries compared to pre-covid years and it is hard to put a finger on one specific reason. It is likely a combination of things, but the committee is certainly keen to breath fresh life into the competitions if at all possible. A review is planned and as a minimum will cover prize money (both funding and allocation), handicapping, formats and entry methods. It’s early days but with an eye on 2025 it is something the committee is keen to progress sooner rather than later. Most importantly we’d like to hear members views, why are people not entering individual and pairs competitions and what would encourage you to?
Please let us know your thoughts
Write to general_secretary@hvba.co.uk