League Bye-laws & Rules


Bye-Laws & Rules 2024


1. The Association

1a) The name of The Association shall be ‘Huddersfield Veterans Bowling Association’.

1b) The Association is affiliated to the Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association (YCCGBA) and the British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA). In addition to The Association’s Bye-laws and Rules all officials, clubs, players and spectators are also subject to BCGBA Bye-laws and policies which The Association will uphold.

1c) The objectives of The Association shall be to organise team and individual competitions for member clubs. The Association strives to create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for bowlers, recognising the positive impact of bowling on mental and physical health and wellbeing.

1d) The Association will encourage and offer help and guidance to member clubs to increase bowling membership and participation in the leagues and competitions.

1e) Any club in the Huddersfield and district area shall be eligible for membership of The Association. New clubs must be proposed by a member club, seconded by another member club and approved by the Management Committee before being admitted.

1f) To be eligible to play in The Association’s leagues and competitions a player must be male and must be 60 years of age or over. If turning 60 years of age during the season they may play from the day on which they turned 60. Players must be members of an affiliated club and be registered with Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Association and/or British Crown Green Bowling Association.

1g) The annual subscription shall be decided at the October General Meeting of the Council each year and payable not later than the General Meeting in February the following year. In addition to the annual subscription each club shall purchase a minimum of 6 annual handbooks per team.

1h) The Association shall be governed overall by decisions of General Meetings which shall be attended by the following who shall constitute the Council; the President, Vice President, General Secretary, League Secretary, Competition Secretary, Treasurer, up to eight committee members, Life members and one representative from each member club. Clubs without a representative in attendance at a General Meeting may be fined £10.

1i) Life Members shall be considered ex-officio members of Council for as long as they take an active interest in The Association. Life Members are elected at a General Meeting of the Association.

1j) At all General Meetings of the Council a minimum of 50% of officers and 50% of member club representatives must be present to form a quorum.

1k) General Meetings will be chaired by the President or in his absence the Vice President. In the absence of both then one of the attending Officers will chair, chosen by a vote of attendees at the start of the meeting.

1l) Each member club representative, member of the Management Committee and Life Member in attendance shall have one vote. Outcomes will be decided on a majority basis other than matters affecting Bye-laws and Rules, see Rule 3a below. The Chair’s vote will be the deciding vote in the event of no majority.

1m) Two General Meetings shall be held annually, one being the Half-Year General Meeting in October for the fixing of annual subscriptions and the other being an Annual General meeting in February for the presentation of annual accounts, election of officers and other business. Amendments to Bye-laws and Rules will be considered at either of these General Meetings. Agenda and relevant papers should be circulated at least 14 days in advance.

1n) The Management Committee may call a Special General Meeting to address any matter at any time. This can include changes to Bye-laws and Rules subject to notification as per Rule 3e.

1o) The General Secretary shall also convene a Special General Meeting on the request of member clubs. Requests must be in writing, state the purpose of the proposed meeting and be signed by the representatives of not less than five clubs. A Special General Meeting will be convened within 21 days of receipt of the request and the subject details circulated to all club representatives at least 14 days in advance. Note – clubs may not address changes to Bye-laws and Rules via Special General meetings, these must be proposed as per Rule 3c.

2. Election of Officers

2a) Officers are to be appointed by the Council at the General Meeting in February. President and Vice President are to be elected from the current Management Committee and shall serve for two years. When the position of President is vacated the Vice President shall become President and serve for two years if they accept to do so.

2b) The council shall also appoint General, League and Competition Secretaries together with a Treasurer to serve for the forthcoming year. The Council may reappoint current officers, if they are agreeable to continue, or any other current Management Committee member. Council may also appoint new volunteers to any of these roles, subject to a proposing and two seconding clubs.

2c) In addition to Officers up to a further eight committee members may be elected to serve for the forthcoming year.

2d) The aforesaid shall form the Management Committee for the ensuing twelve months.

2e) At the Annual General Meeting in February The Council shall also appoint an Independent Verifier to verify The Associations accounts for the coming year.

2f) The Management Committee shall meet as regularly as necessary for the purpose of the day-to-day management of The Association’s affairs. At all meetings of the Management Committee a minimum of five members, including at least two Officers, must be present to form a quorum. At all meetings the President, or in his absence, the Vice President shall take the chair. In the absence of both then one of the attending Officers will chair, chosen by a vote of attendees at the start of the meeting.

2g) In the event of any Officer role becoming vacant during the course of the year the Management Committee will have the authority to appoint someone on a temporary basis at their discretion. This need not be an existing Management Committee member.

2h) The Management Committee shall have powers to apply and act upon and enforce the Bye-laws and Rules of The Association and shall also have jurisdiction over all matters affecting The Association, including any not provided for by the Bye-laws and Rules. Decisions of the Management Committee shall be final and binding on all member Clubs and players.

2i) Life Members who are not elected officers or Committee Members may attend Management Committee meetings and contribute to discussions. Attendance does not count towards forming a quorum and carries no voting rights.

2j) Honoraria will be agreed annually at the Annual General Meeting in February and paid in February of the following year.

3. Amendments to Bye-laws and Match/Competition Rules

3a) Amendments to Bye-laws and Rules may only be considered at either the Half-year General meeting or Annual General meeting. The only exception to this being a Special General Meeting called by the Management Committee. At these meetings no existing Bye Law or Rule shall be materially altered, rescinded or added to or new rule accepted without the consent of at least two thirds of those present and entitled to vote.

3b) The Management Committee may at any time undertake necessary house-keeping of the Bye-laws and Rules in order to address issues of spelling or grammar that may affect comprehension. Such changes will not alter the original intent with any Bye Law or Rule and must subsequently be ratified at the next General meeting.

3c) Any Bye Law or Rule changes proposed by member clubs must be in writing and seconded by a further two clubs. They should be received by the General Secretary at least 42 clear days before the next forthcoming General Meeting in order to be included on the agenda. Any proposals not received in time will be carried forward to the following General Meeting. For example, proposals received in September would be too late for the October General Meeting and therefore go to the February General Meeting instead.

3d) Bye Law and Rule changes may also be proposed by the Management Committee.

3e) Proposed changes to Bye-laws and Rules will be circulated by the General Secretary to all club representatives and clubs will have a review period of no less than 21 days to review and provide the General Secretary with any comments or suggested amendments to those proposals. Comments and suggested amendments received within the review period will be circulated to all clubs at least 14 clear days before the General Meeting at which they are due to be considered. At that meeting the Council will vote on the original proposals and any suggested amendments.

4. Fines

4a) Any fines not paid within 28 days may be doubled at the discretion of the Management Committee. Any outstanding fines will be added to the cost of a club’s subsequent subscription. Non-payment may be referred to YCCGBA.

Match Play/Competition Rules

5. Leagues

5a) There shall be a league playing matches on Mondays (or Fridays if mutually agreed by participating teams) for teams of 6 men playing 4 singles and 1 pairs game.

5b) There shall be a league playing matches on Tuesdays for teams of 10 men playing 4 singles and 3 pairs games.

5c) The Leagues are to consist of a number of Divisions that is determined by the Management Committee. In normal circumstances the top two teams in each division at the end of the season shall be promoted into the next higher division and the bottom two teams shall be relegated into the next lower division. Given a points tie the season’s ‘Aggregate For’ scores will determine the outcome. In the event of the teams still being level then the ‘Aggregate Difference’ (i.e. ‘Aggregate For’ minus ‘Aggregate Against’) will determine.

5d) Where clubs have multiple teams in a league the highest finishing team from the previous season, after promotions and relegations are applied, will at the start of the next season be designated the A-team, the next highest the B-team etc.

5e) The Management Committee will endeavour to maintain divisions of similar size while at the same time aiming to give as many teams as possible a full season of bowling. This may require occasional restructuring of divisions at the Management Committees discretion.

6. Player Registrations

6a) Clubs must register their teams being entered in the Leagues on or before the second Monday in January. Player registration must include name, date of birth and BCGBA/YCCGBA membership number.

6b) Registrations must be made on www.bowlsnet.uk. It is each club’s responsibility to ensure this is done and any unregistered bowler playing in a match or competition shall lose that game 0-21.

6c) Clubs not providing all the relevant details when registering players may be fined £10 at the discretion of the Management Committee.

6d) A Management Committee meeting will be held on the third Monday in January to determine the composition of the Leagues. Any subsequent changes to player registrations and any additional player registrations must be completed with name, date of birth and BCGBA/YCCGBA membership number by the end of March each year.

6e) New mid-season players can be registered after the season has started. This must include name, date of birth and BCGBA membership number. Once correctly registered a new mid-season player may participate in League matches immediately, all other rules and restrictions permitting.

6f) New mid-season players can take part in a competition only if they are registered before the start of that competition, all other rules and restrictions permitting. The start of a competition is marked by the commencement of any round, preliminary or otherwise, be that with or without their team’s involvement if it is a team competition. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in any game they play in competitions being lost 0-21.

6g) Before they may take part in a competition a new mid-season player must also have their registration reviewed by the Management Committee. This will be for the purpose of establishing an individual handicap and considering any necessary adjustment to team handicaps. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in any game they play in competitions being lost 0-21.

6h) Any player wishing to transfer from one club to another after the start of the season will only be allowed with the written consent of the Management Committee. For players who transfer all rules relating to new mid-season players will apply.

7. Ineligible bowlers

7a) Any team playing a bowler in a League match who is not eligible to play in The Association’s leagues in accordance with Rule 1f, will lose that game 0-21.

7b) Any team playing a bowler in a knockout competition who is not eligible to play in accordance with Rule 1f will forfeit the match.

7c) Clubs and players transgressing Rule 1f may also be fined £20.

8. Matches (general)

8a) All league and competitions games are governed by the BCGBA laws of the game. The BCGBA dress code will apply to The Association’s competition ‘finals’ and players failing to adhere to this will be scratched on the day.

8b) The Management Committee shall deal with any matter or dispute which may arise and shall have the power to impose a fine and/or suspend any club or member transgressing the laws of the game or The Association’s Bye-Laws and Rules. The decision of the Management Committee will be final.

8c) All League and Competition matches to start at 1:30pm* and to be played on the day shown in the published schedule even if less than a full team is available.
* The start time of competitions may be brought forward in the event of very hot weather, see Section 9 below.

8d) Any club failing to turn up for a match without giving notice to the League or Competition Secretary and their opponents shall be liable to a £20 fine and forfeiture of the match.

8e) No player can play in league games for two different teams on the same day. Any infringement of this rule will result in a loss of 0-21 in both games involving that player.

8f) Should teams not field a full number of players then 21 points shall be forfeited for each game short of a player. Note – pairs games must consist of two bowlers per team (one bowler cannot take on two) and a team unable to field two bowlers will lose that game 0-21.

8g) Matches may be rearranged, with the agreement of both captains, for genuine and acceptable reasons such as: the green is unplayable, bad weather prevails including extreme heat (See 9. below), or the match coincides with the funeral of a Club member. The principal acceptable reason is the state of the green and in these circumstances the opposing captain must be contacted no later than 12 noon on the day of the match.
It is not acceptable to seek rearrangement because any players holidays intervene or certain players are not available – reserves must be played.

8h) Where a match has to be re-arranged the date must be agreed within 7 days of the original date and the match must be played within 28 days of the original date. In any event the League Secretary must be informed immediately it is determined a match has to be rearranged. In the event of any dispute preventing re-arrangement the matter is to be referred to the Management Committee whose decision will be final. Failure to play the game within 28 days of the original date shall result in a £10 fine to both clubs.

8i) In re-arranged matches players that played in another team on the original date cannot play in the rearranged game. Any infringement of this rule will result in a loss of 0-21 in both games involving that player.

8j) Host venues must make available toilet facilities, clubs failing to do so will be fined £10 at the discretion of the Management Committee. The provision of light refreshments is also appreciated.

9. Matches and Hot Weather

9a) When hot weather is experienced play may stop for 5 minutes at the request of any player, on the completion of an end, to allow a shade break, the taking of drinks and/or a comfort break. It is also recommended a break of 5 minutes is taken in any event after an hour of continuous play. In competitions the start time of the event may be brought forward to accommodate an extended break between rounds.

9b) If an Amber Heat-Health Alert is issued for the district this will be considered bad weather and captains with any concerns may re-arrange an affected league match in accordance with Rules 8g) and 8h) above. As an alternative to moving to a future date captains can, by mutual agreement, arrange to start the match at 10:00am on the original date in order to avoid the hottest part of the day.

9c) If a Red Heat-Health Alert is issued for the district all affected league matches must be re-arranged in accordance with Rules 8g and 8h above. As an alternative to moving to a future date captains can, by mutual agreement, arrange to start the match at 10:00am on the original date in order to avoid the hottest part of the day.

9d) Knock-out Competitions affected by Heat-Health alerts will be brought forward to an earlier start time or rescheduled as appropriate by the Management Committee.

10. Inter District/Yorkshire CCGBA player availability

10a) Any player selected for the Inter District competition, or to represent Yorkshire CCGBA, which is on the same day as a league fixture or any knock-out competition fixture, may call upon the opposing club to furnish an opponent to play the selected player(s), during the week prior. Failure to provide an opponent will result in forfeiture of the game(s).

11. League Matches

11a) 10-man matches shall consist of three pairs and four singles games (played in any combination), the home team captain having preference. All pairs games shall consist of two bowlers per team (one bowler cannot take on two) and a team fielding one bowler in a pairs game will lose the game 0-21.

11b) 6-man matches shall consist of one pair and four singles games (played in any combination), the home team captain having preference. All pairs games shall consist of two bowlers per team (one bowler cannot take on two) and a team fielding one bowler in a pairs game will lose the game 0-21.

11c) Scoring shall be one point per win and two points for the highest aggregate score. In the event of aggregate score being equal, one point each team.

11d) Standard jacks with a valid date stamp are to be used. Any player is to be permitted the use in their game of a valid yellow jack, as an alternative to black, if one is available. If the home team is unable to provide one the visitors may provide their own. The visitors will throw the first jack in each game.

11e) All players must be available when due to play, if not available the game will be forfeited and awarded 0-21 to the opponent(s).

11f) A fully completed league result should be input online on www.bowlsnet.uk by the home team by no later than midnight the day after the match. The online submissions should be verified by the opposing teams no later than midnight two days following the match. Failure to comply to submit the results as per this rule may result in a £10 fine for each infringement.

11g) Players in the 10-man league may not play in the final four league matches for a team in Division 3 or below if at that point in the season they have played more than 50% of their 10-man games for a team (or teams) in Division 1 or 2 of that league. Matches for any of their club’s teams in Div 1 or 2 count collectively towards the total. Any infringement of this rule will result in a loss of 0-21. Dispensation may be given by the League Secretary in exceptional circumstances, typically for players returning to bowling following a sustained period of illness. Dispensation must be gained in advance as it will not be given retrospectively.

11h) Players in the 6-man league may not play in a team’s final four league matches unless they have played in six or more 6-man league matches at that point in the season. Matches for any of their club’s 6-man teams count towards the total. Any infringement of this rule will result in a loss of 0-21. Dispensation may be given by the League Secretary in exceptional circumstances, typically for players returning to bowling following a sustained period of illness. Dispensation must be gained in advance as it will not be given retrospectively.

12. Knock-Out Competitions (General)

12a) Matches will take place on a neutral green.

12b) All clubs in membership shall allow The Association to use their greens for competitions throughout the season. Members of the host club will be responsible for undertaking the competition including managing the draw on the day and applying any scratching guidelines they are provided with. Light refreshments would be appreciated.

12c) Any club wishing to withdraw its green for a scheduled event may do so by giving notice to the Competition Secretary no later than the closing date for the affected competition(s).

12d) Knockout competitions are open to bowlers participating in the current season’s league games and are subject to handicapping. Handicaps for teams and individuals will be set at the discretion of the Management Committee and follow Handicapping Guidelines that will be published prior to the start of a season. [Guidance note added 2/7/24 – this rule means captains can only select players that have participated in one or more league games. If there are extenuating circumstances, typically due to a long period of absence through injury/illness, dispensation maybe given but this must be gained from the Competition or League Secretary in advance].

12e) New players registered mid-season cannot participate in competitions that commenced prior to their registration. They must also have their individual handicaps agreed and their team’s handicaps reviewed before playing in competitions. See Rules 6f) and 6g).

12f) In team competitions each team is responsible for providing a minimum of two mats and two approved standard jacks with a valid date stamp. Any player is to be permitted the use in their game of a valid yellow jack, as an alternative to black, if one is available.

12g) Match winners in team knockout competitions are decided on aggregate score. In the event of this being equal the winning team shall be the team with most wins.

12h) A fully completed knock-out competition result should be input online on www.bowlsnet.uk by the winning team no later than midnight the day after the match or by such time as the Competition Secretary requests. The online submissions should be verified by the opposing team no later than midnight two days following the match. Failure to submit the results in time may result in a £10 fine for each infringement.

12i) No player (excluding host players) will be allowed to practice on the selected green from the date that the neutral green is announced up until the knock-out match is played. The only exception being when playing in a scheduled match/competition.

12j) On the day of a competition no competitor can practice on the green, even if it is their home green or a green for which they are also a member.

12k) Any bowler playing in a team drawn to play on a neutral green, of which he is also a member, will be allowed to play.

12l) In any individual or pairs competition players having a walkover or bye and being required to meet opponents in the next round who have already played on that green in the preceding round shall be entitled to practice for not exceeding 10 minutes on completion of their opponent’s game.

12m) A bowler playing in an individual or pairs competition drawn to play on their home green, or a green for which he is also a member, may have their handicap adjusted in line with the published Handicapping Guidelines. Clubs acting as hosts must assist the Competition Secretary and alert him if any of their members are allocated to play on their green.

13. Team Knockout for 10-man teams.

13a) A knockout competition, known as the Team Knockout (TKO) will be competed for by the top 32 teams, based on finishing positions in the previous seasons league tables after promotions and relegations are applied. These teams may span two or more Divisions. Handicaps will be applied by the Management Committee based on the previous seasons finishing positions after promotions and relegations are applied and following the published Handicapping Guidelines.

13b) Matches will consist of four singles and three pairs

13c) If a club has multiple teams competing in the Team Knockout a bowler is considered tied to their regular team, this will be the team in which they have played the majority of their league games in the season to date. If they have played an equal number of games for two teams they are tied to the lower team. This applies on a round by round basis which means a bowler’s status could change as a competition progresses.

13d) Players may play up in the Team Knockout competition for a higher team than the one they are tied to, so a player tied to the B team can play up for the A team. Players may not play down, so a player tied to the A team cannot play for the B team under any circumstances. Anyone playing down will lose that game 0-21.

13e) If a club withdraws their A team from the Team Knockout competition, either before the start or during, then no A team bowlers may subsequently play for a club’s lower team in the competition that season. An A team bowler will be anyone who in the current season has played for the A team in that competition (excluding bowlers playing up) or anyone who, at the time of a subsequent round, has played more than half their league games for the A team in the season to date.

13f) The team captains will toss a coin at the start of the match and the winner will either take the odd numbered scorecards or select the order of play.

14. Subsidiary Team Knockout for 10-man teams.

14a) A knockout competition known as the Subsidiary Team Knockout (STKO) will be competed in by teams below the top 32. The teams are known as ‘Lower Division’ teams. Handicaps will be applied by the Management Committee based on the previous seasons finishing positions after promotions and relegations are applied and following the published Handicapping Guidelines.

14b) To compete in any round of the Subsidiary Team Knockout bowlers must have played 50% or more of their league games to date for a Lower Division team that season. [Guidance note added 2/7/24 -If there are extenuating circumstances, typically due to a long period of absence through injury/illness, dispensation maybe given but this must be gained from the Competition or League Secretary in advance].

14c) If a club has multiple teams competing in the Subsidiary Team Knockout a bowler is considered tied to their regular team, this will be the team in which they have played the majority of their league games in the season to date. If they have played an equal number of games for two teams they are tied to the lower team. This applies on a round by round basis which means a bowler’s status could change as the competition progresses.

14d) Players may play up in the Subsidiary Team Knockout competition for a higher team than the one they are tied to, so a player tied to the B team can play up for the A team. Players may not play down, so a player tied to the A team cannot play for the B team under any circumstances. Anyone playing down will lose that game 0-21.

14e) Lower Division bowlers may play up for their club in the Team Knock-out. They can do this a maximum of two times in a season. If they play up in the Team Knock-out a third time they may no longer participate in the Subsidiary Team Knockout that season.

14f) If a club withdraws their A team from the Subsidiary Team Knockout competition, either before the start or during, then no A team bowlers may subsequently play for a club’s lower team in the competition that season. An A team bowler will be anyone who in the current season has played for the A team in that competition (excluding bowlers playing up) or anyone who, at the time of a subsequent round, has played more than half their league games for the A team in the season to date.

14g) The Management Committee will aim to schedule the Subsidiary Team knockout to commence after completion of the Team Knockout or, failing this, with as little overlap as possible.

14h) The team captains will toss a coin at the start of the match and the winner will either take the odd numbered scorecards or select the order of play.

15. Bistro competition for 10-man teams

15a) The Bistro is a knockout competition open to all 10-man teams across all divisions. The format is 5 pairs games.

15b) If a club has multiple teams competing in the Bistro a bowler is considered tied to their regular team i.e. the team in which they have played the majority of their league games in the season to date. If they have played an equal number of games for two teams they are tied to the lower team. This applies on a round by round basis which means a bowler’s status could change as the competition progresses.

15c) Players may play up in the Bistro competition for a higher team than the one they are tied to so a player tied to the B team can play up for the A team. Players may not play down, so a player tied to the A team cannot play for the B-team under any circumstances. Anyone playing down will lose that game 0-21.

15d) If a club withdraws their A team from the Bistro competition, either before the start or during, then no A team bowlers may subsequently play for a club’s lower team in the competition that season. An A team bowler will be anyone who in the current season has played for the A team in that competition (excluding bowlers playing up) or anyone who, at the time of a subsequent round, has played more than half their league games for the A team in the season to date.

15e) The team captains will toss a coin at the start of the match and the winning captain will take the odd numbered scorecards.

16. Julie Fuller competition for 6-man teams

16a) The Julie Fuller is a knockout competition open to all 6-man teams across all divisions. The format is 3 pairs games.

16b) Teams are to consist of six players who must qualify by having competed in 50% or more of the 6-man league games played prior to the start of any Julie Fuller round. The number of games required being rounded down if not a whole number. If a club has more than one team in the 6-man league then playing for any of these teams counts collectively towards the required 50%. Dispensation may be given by the Competition Secretary in exceptional circumstances, typically for players returning to bowling following a sustained period of illness. Dispensation must be gained in advance as it will not be given retrospectively.

16c) If a club has multiple teams competing in the Julie Fuller a bowler is considered tied to their regular team, which is the team in which they have played the majority of their league games in the season to date. If they have played an equal number of games for two teams they are tied to the lower team. This applies on a round by round basis which means a bowler’s status could change as the competition progresses.

16d) Players may play up in the Julie Fuller competition for a higher team than the one they are tied to, so a player tied to the B team can play up for the A team. Players may not play down, so a player tied to the A team cannot play for the B-team under any circumstances. Anyone playing down will lose that game 0-21.

16e) If a club withdraws their A team from the Julie Fuller competition, either before the start or during, then no A team bowlers may subsequently play for a club’s lower team in the competition that season. An A team bowler will be anyone who in the current season has played for the A team in that competition (excluding bowlers playing up) or anyone who, at the time of a subsequent round, has played more than half their league games for the A team in the season to date.

16f) The team captains will toss a coin at the start of the match and the winning captain will take the odd numbered scorecards.

17. Individual and Pairs Competitions

17a) The Rose Bowl is a singles knockout competition open to all.

17b) The Lower Divisions Individual Competition, is a singles competition for 10-man Division 3 and below bowlers, and 6-man team bowlers. A minimum handicap will also be set for this competition by the Management Committee, in line with published Handicapping Guidelines, and no player who has a handicap less than this will be allowed to enter.

17c) The Over-70s Singles Competition is only open to players who have reached age 70 by the date of the first round.

17d) The Over-80s Singles Competition is only open to players who have reached age 80 by the date of the first round.

17e) The Pairs competition is open to all. Both players must be from the same club.

17f) The Over-70s Pairs Competition is only open to players who have reached age 70 by the date of the first round. Both players must be from the same club.

17g) The John Hoyle Trophy is a singles handicapped competition open to all Inter District players, Division 1 and 2 10-man players and players for the late John Hoyle’s club Huddersfield Recreation. Handicapping will make special provision for Huddersfield Recreation players and host venue players.

17h) To enter any individual or pairs competitions all entrants must be participating in the current season’s league games for the club under which they are entering the competition and having played at least three games. People not meeting the criteria and wishing to enter can do so at the discretion of the Management Committee – allowance typically being made for periods of absence due to illness/injury. The Management Committee may also waive or amend this requirement in the event of a competition commencing very early in a season. Entry fees may be paid in cash or cheque before the draw. At the time of entering players must declare all other clubs for which they hold membership.

17i) For any round of an individual or pairs competition a list of bowlers who have been allocated to a venue will be published on www.bowlsnet.uk and www.hvba.co.uk, and sent to the relevant club representatives.

17j) A draw will be made at the selected venue on the day in accordance with Association guidelines. A copy of the guidelines and a list of competitors will be provided in advance.

17k) Whatever the weather all entrants for each qualifying round must report to the host organiser prior to the start time. Should the event be cancelled on the day due to adverse weather then only those registered as present on the original date will be allowed to enter on the new date.

17l) Any player who is not present at the draw when this takes place on the day, or not present when called to start a game will be scratched and no re-entry will be allowed.

17m) Any player not turning up on intermediate or finals day without an acceptable reason will be barred from entering the competition in which they defaulted for the following season and any prize money will be forfeited.

Copyright © 2023-2024 Huddersfield Veterans Bowling Association. Copies, whole or in part, may only be reproduced with the consent of the Association.